Thin Mint Crackers
1 pound bittersweet chocolate
80 buttery round crackers
1/2 teaspoon peppermintextract
1.Using a double boiler method, melt the chocolate coatings over hot tapwater for 15 - 20 minutes. Stir . Do not cook or get water into thechocolate.
2.After it is melted, stir in a couple drops of peppermint flavor into thechocolate.
3.Dip crackers into the melted chocolate and then place onto a cold cookiesheet and put into the refrigerator to set. (A freezing tray to rest thedipped cookies will keep the bottoms neat looking.)
4.In a few minutes take them out and package in candy cups. The cookies arebest kept at room temperature or a cool dry place away from any odors.
OMG these look yummy!!
these fascinate me, they look so unique!
I'd love to try these sometime! They look and sound so good! Mmmmm :)
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